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End Myopia with Laser Eye Surgery

Put an end in problems caused by myopia with Laser Eye Surgery which is the most widely used expertise in Ophthalmology today. If you are tired of using vision glasses or contact lenses, it may be time to ask your ophthalmologist about the correction of myopia with laser eye treatment. The medical team of EyeRobotica centre provides a number of innovative procedures for the right diagnosis and treatment of ophthalmic disorders, such as myopia.


What is Myopia?

Myopia is a refractive disorder of the eye where light focuses in front of, instead of on, the retina, as in normal eyes. People with myopia have good near vision but poor distant vision.

This condition causes distant objects to be blurry while close objects appear normal. The myopic eye, in its attempt to see farther, causes an increase in the axial length while the retina must stretch out to cover the increased surface area. A myopic individual can see clearly out to a certain distance without putting any pressure on the eyes.

Myopia appears in early childhood and becomes perceivable during the first school years when there is a greater need for the child to practice distant vision. The condition usually follows a non-malignant progression and after a gradual increase it stabilizes in adulthood.


What causes myopia? Main causes:

  • increased refractive power of the eye (refractive myopia)
  • increased sagittal axis of the eye (axial myopia)
  • heredity (determination of grades and progression of refractive error)
  • reading and computer use (lead to the deterioration of abnormality)
  • hormonal changes (e.g. during pregnancy, deterioration of the condition is observed)
  • environmental factors
  • congenital glaucoma
  • spherophakia
  • optical neuropathy


A diagnosis of myopia is made after an eye examination performed by an ophthalmologist.


Myopia can be treated with:

  • vision glasses
  • contact lenses
  • Laser Eye Surgery
  • surgery for implantation of phakic intraocular lens
  • replacing the crystalline, natural lens of the eye, most often in cases of very high myopia (degenerative myopia)


Refractive Surgery

Refractive Surgery includes all surgical procedures that correct refractive disorders and eliminate the use of vision glasses or contact lenses. These procedures, by using the Excimer Laser, correct the existing refractive defects of the eye and upgrade its refractive power.
By redetermining the shape and curvature of the cornea (the transparent front part of the eye) the light rays focus very precisely on the retina (the innermost, light-sensitive layer of the eye).
In the case of very high ametropia and if the preoperative assessments don’t allow the Laser technique to be applied to a patient, intraocular refractive lens are used or the natural lens of the eye are being replaced. In this way, the patient is freed from glasses or contact lenses.

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